Creekside Springs
Creekside Springs is a vertically integrated manufacturer of private label purified, distilled, spring and enhanced waters, produced in one and 2.5 gallon high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers and multiple size single polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers. We also supply 3 and 5-gallon returnable water bottles through licensed and independent distributors.
Privately held, Creekside commenced operations in 2003 with the acquisition of its initial operating facility. Creekside has continued to expand its operations via both organic growth and targeted additional facility and equipment acquisitions.
Creekside currently operates two bottling facilities, both of which have been completely renovated with over $3.5 million dollars in bottling, blow-molding and state-of-the art filtration equipment.
We feature a blow mold operation, gallon and PET lines in Ambridge and 5-gallon, 2.5 gallon and 1-gallon operations in Salineville, OH. We package spring water from multiple, local IBWA (International Bottled Water Association) certified springs as well as offer purified and distilled water utilizing a multi-step filtration process. Creekside Springs has also partnered with Orthodox Union to kosher certify its products when requested by a distributor.
Based on historic records, our primary spring is believed to be the oldest registered spring source in the state of Ohio, existing on maps as early as the nineteenth century.
We package for retailers and distributors through custom labeling and co-pack bottling.
667 Merchant St, Ambridge, PA 15003, USA